Copyright Statement

          Copyright of all web site contents and works released by Snowky Electric are owned by Snowky Electric and entitled to protection available from copyright law by country as well as international conventions.
          For any use of above stated content of copyright beyond the scope of fair use or without prior written permission, Snowky Electric reserves all rights to take any legal action and pursue any right or remedy available under applicable law.

          Genuine picture
          The pictures used in Snowky website are created by itself or purchased from Alibaba Cloud, with permanent use right. The malicious picture lawsuit main body, please bypass, or our company will take up the legal weapons and resolutely counter claim according to law.

          Trademark Statement

          Any word, picture or design (brand name, logo) that distinguishes the products or services offered by Snowky Electric have been trademark protected, including but not limited to Snowky in Chinese Characters (雪祺、雪祺電氣), Snowky. Relevant trademark registration information is accessible through public official trademark database.
          Any unauthorized use of above stated trademark may infringe the trademark right of Snowky Electric, for any potential infringing activity, Snowky Electric reserves all rights to take any legal action and pursue any right or remedy available under applicable law.

          Relevant Laws

          Criminal Law of People's Republic of China
          Trademark Law of People's Republic of China
          Decision in relation to the protection of internet safety issued by People's Congress
          Administrative Rules of Computer Information Network Safety Protection
          Regulations of Computer Software Protection

          Copyright ? 2017 Hefei Snowky Electric Co., Ltd. All rights Reserved. 皖I(lǐng)CP備13016487號-2
          Designed by Wanhu.